This page is no longer being updated. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Macon County visit or call our office at 660-395-4711.
The Department of Health and Senior Services and CDC are not waiving any immunization requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for back-to-school entry. State law indicates immunizations must be completed before the first day of school. Receiving these and other routine immunizations remain a top priority for vaccine-preventable diseases. Call for further information or to schedule an appointment at 660-395-4711.
November 25, 2020
This announcement was sent to all Macon County School Board members and school Superintendents on Wednesday November 25.
The Macon County Health Department Board of Trustees have revisited the Governor’s school guidelines in light of the DHSS and DESE clarifications on November 19, 2020 to the state school quarantine guidelines, specifically related to the Frequently Asked Questions #20 which provides that properly masked contacts in the school setting will be required to quarantine outside of school; and, #21 which provides that properly masked close contacts in a school setting will not be allowed to participate in sports or other extracurricular activities.
Because we recognize the importance of children remaining in seat in a school setting, and, we firmly believe that proper masking does slow the spread of COVID-19, for those schools whose Board approves a district-wide mask mandate, and whose administration works in coordination with the health department to develop an implementation and tracking plan, then the Macon County Health Department will support the DHSS/DESE school guidelines dated November 19, 2020 for those schools.