Community Testing Events to Follow New Sewershed Surveillance Data
JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Recent results from community sewershed surveillance in Macon are indicative of possible increases in COVID-19 transmission in the area. During the week of July 12th, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) saw increasing trends in concentrations of COVID-19 genetic fragments in wastewater from the Macon (Macon County) sewershed. Sewershed surveillance metrics are not a direct estimate of the COVID-19 positive human cases in the area. Rather, they provide an indication that COVID-19 transmission is likely increasing among the population in sewershed areas.
DHSS and the Macon County Health Department encourage you to attend an upcoming free testing event, whether you are experiencing symptoms or not. Community testing events such as this can provide you helpful information to better protect yourself and your family. It also provides extremely valuable information to public health officials for monitoring COVID-19 transmission in Missouri.
The event in your area will be held on July 30th at the Macon County Park in front of Floral Hall, US Hwy 63 South (Across from YMCA), Macon, from 11am to 7pm. No registration is required. For information on this event and other free testing options in Missouri, visit or call 877-435-8411. Translation services are available.